Don Feidner

USA 2010

Last Update: 27 December 2010

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 Purpose of the USA Cycle Tour

Zweck der USA Radwandertour

A good reason for cycling: Meeting People! 

Read an e-mail from a new-found friend! From Gregg

To donate to help Chris, write me at

Heart-felt thanks to the following warm-hearted people for providing me with a place to sleep on my USA trip:

Jack and Betty in Kokomo
Bill and Angela near Pendelton
Rick near Greensburg
Ken and Jan in Madison
Larry and Jan in Hazelton
Nate and Susie in Evansville
Rich and Mary Cromwell in McClure Hill, Kentucky
Frank & Mary Matthews near Fredonia, Kentucky
Roger & Louise near Dover, Tennessee
James (Jim-Bo) & Kathy Green near Lynnville, Tennessee
Barry & Barbara Stover near Atlanta, Georgia
Dr. & Mrs. Michael & Kathy Vandoren in Lakeland, Florida
Waldemar & Henrietta Bokrand in Punta Gordo, Florida
Hershell & Mary Jo Dodd in Fort Myers, Florida

Also, special thanks are due to the following hospitable people for feeding a hungry cyclist on his way south:

Jack and Betty in Kokomo
Bob and Carolyn in Kokomo
Phil in Kokomo
Jim and Joyce in Peru
Marion and Donna near Anderson
Bill and Angela near Pendelton
Jan and Ken in Madison
Kent, Mark, Chris, Mike, Charlotte, Debbie, Becky, Kay in Clarksville
Larry and Jan in Hazelton
Nate and Susie in Evansville, Indiana
Bobby Stidwell in Marion, Kentucky
Veronika in Grand Rivers, Kentucky
Roger & Louise near Dover, Tennessee
James (Jim-Bo) & Kathy Green near Lynnville, Tennessee
Frank & Lou Ann near Huntsville, Alabama
Barry & Barbara Stover near Atlanta, Georgia
Jay Matthews in Barnesville (Great BBQ)
“Chance” in Sylvester, Georgia (Stadium)
Sanjay in Falmouth, Florida (near Live Oak)
Sonja near McAlpin, Florida
Dr. & Mrs. Michael & Kathy Vandoren in Lakeland, Florida
The Sunday School Class at Victory Church in Lakeland, Florida
Waldemar & Henrietta Bokrand in Punta Gordo, Florida
Hershell & Mary Jo Dodd in Fort Myers, Florida

Last but absolutely not least, thanks to all of you who have donated to help my son, Christian, during his stay in Myanmar (Burma).

2600 Kilometers (1600 miles) Kokomo, Indiana to Fort Myers, Florida

Click a State

Indiana  Kentucky  Tennessee  Alabama  Georgia  Florida


Born in Kokomo, Indiana, I started this trip there. After visiting relatives and friends, I headed southeast to Tipton, where I attended high school, then pedaled on to Madison, Indiana. From there, I visited my brother in Princeton, Indiana, then cycled together to visit his daughter in Evansville.

The trip then continued south to Tennessee, Huntsville, Alabama, where I spent many enjoyable months of work, then on to Atlanta, to visit a couple of old friends and speak to a group of people there. Afterwards, it was a long stretch of 800 kilometers to Lakeland, Florida, to visit another good friend. The final leg of the trip went to Fort Myers Beach and then back to Germany.

This trip was rather short compared to my 8000-kilometer trip a few years ago, but I promised to teach English to a group of people in Germany, so I had to get back home in time to live up to my promise. In reality, I woud have preferred to head west and not stop until I reached California..

In Kokomo, Indiana, wurde ich geboren, so diese Reise fing da an. Nachdem ich meine Verwandten und Freunde dort besucht hatte, bin ich Richtung Südosten nach Tipton gefahren, wo ich auf der High School war. Danach ging’s weiter nach Madison und Clarksville, Indiana, um meine Cousinen und Cousins zu besuchen.

Mein Bruder, Larry, habe ich Princeton, Indiana besucht. Dann ist er mitgeradelt, um seine Tochter in Evansville, Indiana zu besuchen. Allein ging’s weiter nach Tennessee, dann nach Huntsville, Alabama, wo ich viele angenehme Monate gearbeitet habe. Danach kam Atlanta, um alte Freunde zu besuchen und dort bei einer Veranstaltung eine kurze Rede zu halten Dann kam eine lange trockene Strecke von fast 800 Kilometer nach Lakeland, Florida, um einen guten Freund zu besuchen. Ein paar Tage später ging’s nach Fort Myers Beach, wo mein Onkel wohnt und dann wieder zurück nach Hause in Deutschland. 

Diese Radreise war eigentlich kurz, wenn man sie mit meinem 8000-Kilometer Radtour vor ein paar Jahren vergleicht, aber ich hatte versprochen, einige Leute in Deutschland Englisch beizubringen, so ich müsste wieder nach Hause, um mein Versprechen zu halten. In Wirklichkeit, wäre ich lieber weiter nach Westen gefahren, bis nach Kalifornien.


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