Don Feidner

Last Update:  5 June 2015

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CIMG1545 Early in the Morning in Tennessee
CIMG1547 Western Oven

These structures are furnaces that were used from 1855 to 1856 to produce iron taken from the region. See below for the entire story.

Tennessee - Southern Hospitality

The rays of the sun brighten the early morning as I crossed the border into Tennessee.

It was a long hilly trail on the Trace Drive between the Kentucky Lake and Lake Barkely, but once I reached Tennessee, the road flattened out and I was greeted by a large group of cyclists who called themselves “Bikers for Christ”.

CIMG1546 Bikers for Christ
CIMG1556 Double Furnace
CIMG1548 Furnace Desc
CIMG1552 Lawn in TN
CIMG1558 Advertising the Faith

I think it’s cool that someone has the intestinal fortitude to advertise his faith on his front lawn.

CIMG1561 Flowers along the Road

Flowers along the Road

CIMG1563 Cycling Trail TN CIMG1565 Cycling Trail TN

Cycling Trails - Obviously Roads - but nice ones


Above: I ended up in the boondocks on a road called “Ugly Creek Road” -- Strange feeling to see many such signs as the one above which warns that “survivors will be prosecuted”. Hmmm... makes you wonder if the owner makes “Moonshine”


I couldn’t resist taking a picture of the lake to the right.


Right: The Bike Route was on a 4-Lane US Highway

Continue on to Alabama

These cars were on someone’s front lawn. Probably would be a good idea to toss them in a furnace.

Below: A place where a Tennessee Youth had an accident. Note the Rebel Cap and Confederate Flag.

CIMG1553 Rebel Accident
CIMG1559 Log Cabin

Dream Log Cabin near Pinewood, Tennessee

CIMG1562 Lake Hoover

Beautiful Lake near Tennessee Ridge on the Plateau

CIMG1567 All you can eat

No, I didn’t eat here. It is impossible to ride a bike on a full stomach.


Ugly Creek” isn’t that ugly. In fact, it is crystal clear.


Early in the Morning, these Dogies were Grazing on the Prairie!

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